Thursday, September 1, 2016

Cuyuna Country State Rec Area- Call of the Wildflower

When we woke up Sunday morning after camping at Savanna Portage State Park it was RAINING.  It actually started raining at about 4 am and kept raining right up until the time we left.
Drove into town and at breakfast a small local restaurant in McGregor (while it still rained).
Luke wanted to stop by his parents to check on the dock.  With all of the rain in the previous week the lake had flooded and a few pieces floated away (actually one is still missing).  So we drove across the country side and basically drove right by another one of the state rec areas-  Cuyuna County State Rec area.  Since we hadn't done this geocache in this series we decided to stop on by!
Here are some pics of this geocaching adventure- we started off in town at the office.  It was locked but the information was right outside.

Marcus came along to check out the information
and he got his stamp in his book.
After we got the first set of coordinates we headed out across town.  This rec area is really interesting and set up totally different than other parks.  The park is actually a bunch of old pit mines that are now closed down and have since become lakes from the rainwater and the run off-  one of them is actually the deepest lake (man made) in Minnesota.
The first set of directions sent us off to one of those lakes. See the red clay on the ground.  It is everywhere!

One of the other interesting things about this rec area is that it made for mountain bikers- so it is really busy with bikers zooming around- lots of them from the cities.
Because of that they didn't set the geocache back very deep in the trail.

It still took us a while to find-  the coordinates were not all that good. 

We also spent a little time looking around the park.  It was very pretty.

1 comment:

  1. When you mentioned raining while camping, I was reminded of a trip I took with Lisa and Katie (now James) to The Black Hills. First night out in Blue Mounds State Park we were camping in tents and it rained nearly all night In the morning both girls were very wet. Each accused the other of peeing in the tent. In reality they had selected a poor location to pitch the tent.


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