Thursday, September 22, 2016

Marcus loves Caves! Forestville/ Mystery Cave State Park

When we left the Beaver Creek Valley State Park we headed across to another park in this part of the state.  Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park.

We had a very special intention in going to this park.  Marcus LOVES caves and he has talked about the Oregon Cave ever since we visited it in May so we thought it would be fun to take him back to another one.   Sandy on the other hand was just happy to get out of the car and drink some water!

While we waited for the cave tour, it was crazy, the sky suddenly got really dark and just a few minutes later the rain pounded down!  Poor Sandy wasn't too excited about that!
 On the other hand, Luke, Marcus and I spent our time checking out the cool displays in the building.  I didn't get a picture but they also had this soap walk that you had to walk over before you could go in the cave.  This is just one of the ways they are trying to keep a bat disease away from the cave.  Marcus LOVED that (but for some reason I didn't get any pictures of it).

And finally our wait for our cave tour was all over and our guide found us!

Saying that Marcus loved the tour would not be overstating it as all.  He thought it was GREAT.  We saw all kinds of cool cave formations and now he just wants to go back!

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