Sunday, September 11, 2016

At the Lake

In the summer we are lucky enough to spend a lot of time at Luke's parents place.  We are even luckier that they live on a lake and we get to enjoy it.   In August we spent a beautiful Sunday afternoon hanging out on the dock- fishing!  This is now one of Marcus' favorite things.
We didn't really plan to far in advance so Luke had to go to his parents garden to find some worms to fish with.

We were really lucky because the fish were in a biting mood and almost instantly bit on Marcus' line.

At one point we ran out of worms and the fish just kept on biting.

Sandy was not sure what to think of it at all- he did stay a comfortable distance from all of the commotion.

Even Grandma Jackie joined in on the fun!

 While we were up north Marcus and I also snuck off into Little Falls and got a treat.  I got a yummy donut while Marcus got this giant train cookie.

One of the other fun things we did this weekend was go on a ride around the lake to look for a piece of the dock that went missing earlier in July when they got a ton of rain.
Luke and his dad went in the canoe, while I took a kayak out for spin.

What a wonderful day on the lake!  We really are such lucky people!

1 comment:

  1. I think I recognize Marcus's fishing rod. It looks like a lucky rod in the hands of a lucky boy. Has Marcus caught Moby Dick yet?


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