Tuesday, September 6, 2016


One of Marcus' favorite things to do during the summer is to visit the Minneapolis Farmers Market.  We actually fluctuate between the Minneapolis Farmers Market (as Marcus calls it the "Big" one) and the Hopkins Farmers Market (or as Marcus calls it the "Little" one).  He loves walking around and looking at all of the different things- he has a few things that he specially gets, he loves the Cheese Curds (squeaky cheese) and all of the veggies.  He really loves T-Rex cookies (see the massive cookie in the picture).   Every time we go, I give him $5.00 to spend on something.  He loves looking around and figuring out to spend his money- he carries his $5.00 bill around in his little hand, holding it tight to make sure he doesn't lose it while he looks around and determines how to spend it. He is so careful with is money- I hope that he continues that way as he gets older.
One on Saturday morning we went to farmers market with a very specific goal.  He wanted to make pickles with his Daddy as we were off to pick up the provisions.
And we found it all- along with a few extra items:
Pickling cucumbers
Dill (did you know I don't like dill- that is for a different conversation)
and a few other yummy things.... that weren't needed for the pickles.

When we got home the boys started working on it.  Not really following any specific recipe but playing it by ear.

And they had so much fun.

Times like these are magical, and fleeting. 
To Marcus it means everything to spend time with his dad.
To dream big and figure new things out.
Life really doesn't get much better than this.

1 comment:

  1. Like grandfather like grandson? I like to make refrigerator pickles. Playing it by ear gives the greatest success and the greatest flops. I am sure you know that Joe's girls love pickles. YES I know you don't like dill. You always were a bit strange, but I still love you. Dad


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