Friday, September 9, 2016

A day at the Fort (Snelling of course)

One day in late July I went on a nice and long bike ride from our house to Fort Snelling.  I did a pretty good job of navigating with the exception of one stupid blunder that added on a few hills and a few extra miles.  It was a beautiful day for a ride.  The best part is that it was a pretty easy ride right on the greenway.
The goal at the end of the ride was to end up at Fort Snelling.  Luke drove with Marcus to meet me there and the funniest thing is that he actually caught up with me along the way (ok catching up was the easy part- the much harder part was actually finding me on the path!
We got to the Fort.  We love Fort Snelling and usually go about once per year.   Marcus is now old enough to start understanding it a bit more.  He had a lot of fun.  Here are some pictures of the day.

The boys at the guard tower.

When we finished doing the tour we still had a bit of energy left so we headed over to Fort Snelling State Park to do the Geocache.  This one was pretty fast and easy-  although it was tougher than the last time around (it was the EASIEST of all in the last series).  We took a few pics to show we completed it.

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