Sunday, September 4, 2016

My little swimmer

We signed Marcus up for swimming lessons earlier
I think that we have finally figured out how to help Marcus succeed at swimming lessons.  It is all a matter of timing, patience, and fun.
 So here is what we have done differently.  We now try to get to lessons really early.  To give Marcus the chance to play in the little kid area at the pool.  He loves it and it puts him the completely right mind set to get ready to swim.

 This session he was a frog!  I actually thought when he started the session that he may not have been ready for it.

I was so wrong (and happy to be).  He LOVED the everything about the big kids class.

 I have to admit-  he got so comfortable that he was actually kind of naughty.  But he was learning so much, so I was still proud.

The last session we took of swimming lessons so pretty rough.  So I was beyond happy that this went to well!
I can't help but be proud of this little guy!
My super sweet and cute swimmer!

1 comment:

  1. You started out in little kids class and one day became a lifeguard and swim instructor. You never know Marcus may become a future Olympic champion.


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