Monday, September 19, 2016

The Ferris Wheel

I am not sure where it started by Marcus has a Ferris Wheel fascination-  He hasn't really been on one before.  OK he was actually on the Ferris Wheel in Chicago on the Navy Pier when he was 4 months old but I am not sure that counts! When we got the State Fair he kept saying that was the one thing that he wanted to do! When we got to the top of the Fire Tower he could actually see it in in the distance and it was obvious that he really wanted to go on it.  So Marcus and I headed that direction while Luke headed back to the car to move it closer!
We walked our way across the fair and made it to the Ferris Wheel-  we bought our tickets and got in line.  He could barely contain himself!

I was actually fairly nervous that we would get to the front and he would get scared and change him mind but I was wrong and he was all in.
He was a little nervous for the first couple of bumps and movements but it didn't take long for him to get super excited!

And the view was amazing!


Until next year, good bye Ferris Wheel!


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