Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A camping Adventure- Beaver Creek Valley State Park

Marcus was so proud of his making skills. He was HIGHLY disappointed when I informed him that I was going to have take a few pieces of wood out to actually get the fire started.  But once the fire was added I let him add it back in so all was better.

After the camp was all set up we hiked up to check out the shower house-  for certain not as nice as the one Savanna Portage State Park:(

Yikes Rattlesnakes!  Good thing we didn't see any!

Here was our camp site!  We cooked a tasty dinner of Hobo Dinners and garlic bread.

I think that Marcus' favorite thing was we had "our own" pit toilet right across the road.  He LOVES pit toilets- he is a funny boy!

We had a feast!

And then it was time to fall asleep.  It is actually easier camping when the sun sets earlier.  He passed out so much faster.

When the sun came up it was time to play!

And time to visit the woods all around us!














1 comment:

  1. The variety of experiences in our Minnesota Parks is remarkable, from forests to prairie, From lakes to dry-land, from hills to flat, from rural to city, from north to south and east to west. We are lucky.


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