Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Going up to the Cabin!

Our close friends Matt and Maisy have a beautiful cabin in Northern WI.  In July, Marcus and I were lucky enough to go up and spend a weekend there.  To make it even better, my friend Jen was there we her two boys (Kyle and Kaleb) and Marcus loves lose guys!

We started it all out with a boat ride to the beach.  Marcus was not in the mood to get in the water so he spent his time on beach while the others played in the lake.   We rode back on the boat to the cabin and spent the night eating, playing and just hanging out.  Marcus had so much fun playing with the boys.
On Saturday morning we drove into Superior to visit a few sites and check a few things out.  I was lucky enough to have reached out to Luke's cousin Mike who is a fireman in Superior and has access to the Fireman's museum.  He has actually be responsible for finding a lot of the pieces in it.  I figured I bet that the boys would love it and I was totally right.

So we toured the Superior Fireman's Museum.- it was pretty awesome getting our own personal tour.

When we finished at the Fireman's museum we headed across the bridge to the Duluth Harbor and Canal Park.  We spent a bit of time walking out to the end of pier and even watched the lift bridge go up and down a few times.

Matt on the pier

The boys loved sitting in a row in Jen's MiniVan..  They fit perfectly!

After our day out on the town we headed back for some quality lake time. 

Did I mention that Marcus got to DRIVE the boat (with lots of Matt's help).
Pretty certain he thought this was the best thing EVER!

I think the weekend was almost perfect-  the only thing that made him sad is that Daddy wasn't with us but he was so excited to see him when we got home!

It was such an awesome weekend. We were only about 5 minutes from the cabin and he was already passed out.  I think he slept almost the entire way home.  It was a good time.
One more view of Marcus driving the boat. 
This was for certain his favorite part of the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. The twin ports are always fascinating to visit. Marcus looks like he could handle one of the ore boats on Lake Superior.


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