Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Stomp out Suicide

In 2011, within 5 months, we attended two funerals for young men who ended their own lives.  This is beyond a tragedy.   One of these people was Luke's cousin Seth and the other was one of our friends.  They were both quiet and kind and genuine people.  This was really the first time that I have been personally touch by suicide- I have seen it and I have heard of it others lives but this was really the first time we have been that close to it.
Easy year since 2011, Luke's extended family has done a 5k walk for to help prevent suicide.  The Stomp Out Suicide Walk.  It always falls right around my birthday and in every previous year we have been busy.  This year however our schedule finally allowed for us to join.
So early one Saturday morning in August, Marcus, my dad, and I joined a bunch of Luke's family to fight and raise money to help prevent suicide.
Did I mention it was rainy!

But have no worries- Marcus was set up with a sweet ride.  He barely even popped his head out until the walk was mostly over!

It was a great day for a walk, for a great cause, with some of my favorite people!

Marcus is in the selfie- hiding under the umbrella!

1 comment:

  1. While I have not experienced the horror of suicide directly, thirty years as an ambulance EMT I have been on calls involving suicide. It would seem that mental depression is a major factor. I have been on two prevent suicide walks this year, (the other a veterans suicide prevention walk) What I find impressive is that optimism prevails as participants celebrate the lives cut short while raising awareness of the problem and raising funds for research. The victims lives have been worthwhile and they are not forgotten


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