Saturday, September 10, 2016

A visit to the zoo

A few days after my epic ride (just kidding), Luke did one that was far longer and Marcus and I met him at the end.  At the Minnesota Zoo!
We got there a bit before him and we came prepared with picnic-  we were so hungry we started to eat before he got to us. 

After Luke finished his long ride, we all finished our lunches and headed into the Zoo.  We saw lots of animals and headed to the bird show. It was very amusing and the birds were so cool.
Marcus was so tired that day-  just look at his face!

We also checked out the dinosaur exhibit at the Zoo.  Marcus was really nervous about the moving and loud dinosaurs-  right up until the end where they had a sample of one that showed how the electronics worked.  Once he understood it he didn't seem quite so worried.

We also spent a bit of time at the family farm.  Marcus LOVED the goats.

We have a few different memberships around town but I am guessing we get the most of the MN Zoo one.  I think that we go about once a month so we for certain break even here.  I think it is awesome how Marcus loves visiting the Zoo.  I know he isn't going to love it this much forever so we are taking advantage of it while he does!

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