Thursday, September 15, 2016

Tennis Lessons!

 Marcus is at the age where everyone is starting to sign their kids up for everything, soccer, t-ball, tennis, and all kinds of other sports.  It is kind of daunting trying to decide what we should sign Marcus up but we have kind of landed on a few things.  We decided that we wanted to try tennis out this summer and signed up for the city of Eden Prairie tennis lessons. Let's start by being completely honest, if the goal was to learn much about tennis, this was probably a failure however since our goal was really just to have fun and let him learn a little it was a definite success!
Here are a few of the pictures from his lessons. 

He wasn't a big fan of circle time when they talked about the lines.  He really just wanted to play and hit the ball (being honest I totally agree with him).

Marcus was super lucky.  He got to have lots of fans, watching him play.  Grandma Jackie and Grandpa Don can to his first lesson and even Grandpa Harvey checked one out.

The sad news is that the entire last week of lessons was rained out :( 
So he didn't get quite as much out of it as we were hoping but I think he already wants to sign up for next year!

1 comment:

  1. I think it is time for Marcus to challenge Gregg to a game.


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