Friday, September 2, 2016

Good Bye Creative Kids Academy

I am taking a break from catching up from summer stuff to post something important that happened today.

Marcus' Last Day at Creative Kids Academy

When I was pregnant with Marcus, Luke and I spent so much time visiting different daycare centers to see what the right thing for our new baby was and man was it a tough decision to figure it out.  After touring plenty of places we ended up with Creative Kids Academy - Minnetonka and Marcus first attended on September 10, 2012.  We have been really happy since that time-  I am not going to say that things have been perfect (but few things are) but it was a really good experience and we will miss them. 


Yesterday when we picked up Marcus they had a huge card that was signed by the other students amd the teachers.  They also had a folder full of art work, pictures, and other items we have never seen saw before.  It made me pretty teary, it was so sweet. 
Here are some of my favorite items (there were over 70 items in the folder).

These are his first pieces of "ART" from 2012.

This little document really made me smile-  They saved records of his daycare "firsts".  I didn't even do a very good job of that at home.  Guess I can fill out his baby book now!

When Marcus left daycare today he gave lots of hugs to friends and teachers.  He said to one teacher "Good Bye, I won't see you again".  Then when got in the car he told me that we needed to go and visit his "old" school and the teachers again later.

Creative Kids Academy, we will miss you too!

1 comment:

  1. So now when I have the opportunity to pick up Marcus I won't have to deal with the maze that MN DOT considers a highway system.


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