Monday, September 5, 2016

Fishing with Grandpa- A Marcus first

If you talk to Marcus about the things he did this summer he tells lots of tails.  But one of his favorites was when he went fishing with Grandpa Harvey.
He had talked about fishing A LOT and really wanted to go but we just kept running out of time.  This is where Grandpa stepped in and got it done.
He picked Marcus up from daycare one afternoon.  He was so excited that- he got to bring his fishing rod along to daycare and got to leave early.
Here are some photos from the trip to the lake (provided by Grandpa).

 He loved every moment of it-  Even the worms!
Even better- He caught a fish!

He was a little disappointed when grandpa said he had to put it back..... he wanted to eat it.

Life doesn't get much better than this!

1 comment:

  1. We had a wonderful time. I'm glad we didn't catch any fish big enough to keep. I wasn't ready to clean fish. Thanks for letting him go with me. Love Dad


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