Thursday, September 8, 2016

Another First for Marcus!

On one rainy Sunday in July we went to visit the Science Museum of Minnesota. This is one of the membership that we keep so we try to get there every few months.  It is fun seeing what Marcus likes each visit because it changes (well except the Tug is always his favorite).  On this trip he really liked the section with science experiments.
This shows how steam engines worked.  He sat and watch another kid play here for about 10 minutes, until it was his turn, and he was so excited!

 This experiment is all about lights and shadows.

 We visited the tug boat twice-  once when we got there and again before we left!

I think that Marcus dreams of being a tug boat operator some day on the Mississippi river.  It is awfully cute!

He also loves the vaccine game.... shows the pitfalls of not getting vaccinated!

Now this trip was very special and we did something new and special.  Marcus got to watch his first move on the big screen, the really big screen, the Omni theater.  He was really nervous when the big screen drop down and when it started playing his jaw literally dropped and he was overwhelmed.  The good news is that it only lasted a few minutes, he jumped on my lap and really got into it.

The show we saw was all about the National parks on their 100th birthday (August 25, 2016).  It was really neat because it showed Crater Lake National Park and the Redwood Forest, both places that were very recent in Marcus' memory.
National Park Omi Theater Show
Marcus LOVED it.  It got a bit long for him in the last few moments but he has been asking to go back ever since.

1 comment:

  1. Yvonne, I remember all those trips we made to Museums, Historical sites and Nature Parks. At least the ones we could afford and we had time for. It sure made for pleasant memories, Love Dad


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