Monday, September 12, 2016

Starting a new School

It was just a little over a week ago that Marcus had his last day at Creative Kids Academy.  Today was another big day, his first day at his brand news school, Minnetonka Preschool.  We have been talking about this day for awhile and it was finally here.  Marcus woke up ready to roll this morning.

Last night we prepped everything, his new backpack, and lunch box.  We even made a lunch for it (his first box lunch ever) and spent a lot of time talking about what was going to happen today.  I asked him if he was ready to meet some new friends and he said "no tonight Mommy, but I will tomorrow"

 We woke up early today to get everything started. The way Marcus's schedule works is that in the morning, we drop him off at explorers club.  This is similar to daycare.  They actually have a curriculum that is similar to the PreSchool but still slightly different.  This is actually where Marcus spends most of his day.  We have also signed him up for PreSchool classes.  This is on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings for a few hours.  Today was his first day for both.    We were welcomed in the building with a sign telling us what they are going to do for the week at explorers club.

I dropped Marcus off this morning and was so happy that he was happy to be there. There were no tears and he found toys and friends to play with right away.

 The PreSchool class starts at 9 am and today they had a orientation for families.  Since Luke and I both had work, Grandma Cheryl stepped in and went to the session!  She even sent me a few picture of their visit.  She said it went great!

 After PreSchool was over, they brought him back downstairs to this "duckling" explorer room.  I picked him up and the end of the day and he gave me a huge hug and kiss.  The teachers said he did good and I am so proud of my sweet little boy!

 We took a few first day pictures when we got home!

One of my favorite things today was we learned more about the system they have set up called PreciousStatus.  This is a website that sends out emails (they also have AP) that the teachers send out during the day.  We got our first updates today and I LOVED it!

1 comment:

  1. Another milestone in Marcus's young life and another heartfelt moment for Mom and Dad, plus a few tears I'm sure.


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