Monday, September 26, 2016

A Wednesday with Mommy

On our vacation week we had a fun day planed each day.  On Tuesday night, we baked cookies for a few people.  We made two types, one picked out by Marcus (a chocolate dipped cookie) and one my mommy (a traditional chocolate chip).  We made them as a thank you gift to a little boy (Charlie) down the street who gave Marcus is old bike.  We also made them as a grandparents day gift for all of his grandparents and for Great-Grandma.
On Wednesday we did our first cookie delivery, to one of Marcus' favorite people, Great Grandma!

After our visit with Great Grandma, we were off to a lunch date and cookie delivery with Grandma Cheryl.    Marcus was so excited because he hadn't seen her since she left for Germany a month earlier.  We found a cute little old school restaurant in Edina and had a yummy lunch.  Next we planned on going to Paint Your Plate but their website was wrong and it was actually closed.  We quickly figured out what to do and ended up at Edinburgh Park to play.  

I was wearing sandals, with no socks, so Grandma Cheryl had to follow him in.

It was sure a lot of fun!

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