Saturday, September 3, 2016

A little bit of Fun in the Sun

Some of my favorite things to do in summer is visit the Lake Minnetonka Swimming Pond and go on picnics.  So one day Marcus and I decided to sneak out of work and daycare a little early and do both.
We went to Lunds and got a yummy picnic of cheese and crusty bread (My favorite), chips and salad and headed out to the beach.
We finally got there about 5:30 pm and it was pretty darn empty.  I think that on week days most people don't stay that late.  There were a few other families that were doing the same thing as us.
We found a nice spot on the beach (under and umbrella) and picnicked,

And when the picnic was done it was time to pay in the water!

And we built a few sand castles.

Goodbye beach-  we will see you again soon.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was there, we could build Sand Castles. After all we are experienced in that.


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