Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Camping and Geocaching at Savanna State Portage State Park

In the middle of July we took a grand camping adventure.  We have been saying that we really wanted to get Marcus out camping more this summer.  It is easier to beat last summer because we didn't get out at all- which is kind of sad.  When we he was two we did two camping trips- for one night each time (Lake Bronson State Park and Blue Mounds State Park).  It took us until July but we finally got out to Savanna Portage state part- for 2 nights!
We picked Savannah Portage State Park because we thought it was really neat when we visited it in 2012 and we knew it was a huge park and we barely saw any of it.  So one Friday afternoon we packed up and headed north!
Here are some pictures from the trip:

On the next morning we went hiking and completed the geocache.

No matter how often I hike I don't think that my view gets any better than this. 
I looking at my boys heading down the trail

It didn't take long for us to find the first stop on the geocache. 
It was less than .5 miles from our campsite.


We hiked down one of the trails and just two stops later we found the final cache.

Here is our card.

After we finished the geocache we spent a bunch of time just hiking around the park. 
It is a huge park.

We have a picture of this tree from two years ago in the fall.  It is such a pretty tree!

We also hiked the continental divide trail.  All of the water that is north and east of here goes into the great lakes or Hudson Bay.  All of the water south goes into the Mississippi river basin.

The view of the continental divide.


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