Monday, August 22, 2016

Father Hennepin State Park- Call of the Wildflower

So I think that we have all learned that I really struggle to get posts up in July and August.  This isn't because we aren't doing anything but instead because we are so busy and the sun goes down so late that I just don't want to blog.  So here it is at the end of August- and I have so far behind.  Here is goes:
Over the 4th of July weekend we actually visited one of the prettiest Minnesota State Parks-  Father Hennepin.  When we visited it the first time in 2014 I was enchanted with how pretty the trees where- it sits right on the south east shoreline of Mille Lacs Lake/
Luke actually biked all the way to the park from his parents house, while Marcus and I followed and supported.
When we got to the park the first thing that we did was buy a new state park sticker.  Right now I have 3 of them on my car, and I know that in the future I will have to take them off but that makes me kind of sad, so I'm going to leave them a bit longer.
After that was taken care of it was time to start the Geocache!


Back on the trail and in search of the final location.

Marcus is such a pro at finding these and opening them it is super cute.

After we left the geocache we realized that we had forgotten to put the travel bug we brought along in it so I ran back.  Not my best selfie but I ran back while the boys waited in the car.

Here is the flower card.

1 comment:

  1. In one of the pictures you look like you are face to face with a bear. It is a bit sad but lucky for us that more people don't take advantage of this wonderful resource so close to home.


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