Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Marcus Turns Two!

Marcus Turns Two!

The big day has passed, and we spent lots of time celebrating Marcus.  I think it is fun to reflect on how he grows up and what he looks like and how he got those looks.

This is a picture of Luke and I when we were both 2 years old.  It is pretty easy to see that Marcus is a mix of both of us – I am hoping that it was the best part of each!

I am not the Mom that is always on the ball about getting all of the "right" stuff done.  I am NOT a scrapbooker and suck at most of that type of stuff, but I do "try" to get some professional photos of my little guy!

Right around his birthday we went and got his two years photos taken.  This is how they turned out.  I am pretty pleased!

I know I am biased, but I am not sure he could get much cuter!

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