Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Interstate State Park

Interstate State Park

—Taylors Falls, MN—

Marcus and Mommy!
This weekend was pretty relaxing, and we did not have a lot going on.  We had planned on maybe doing a geocache trip on Friday or Saturday, but Friday morning brought rain and there was no end in sight, so we just hung out instead.  On Sunday, however, it was nice weather.  Marcus and I got up early on Sunday morning, baked some blueberry muffins, and went to my niece, Xandra's, softball game.  It was a lot of fun, and she even hit a double just for Marcus.  When the game ended Marcus and I decided that we really wanted to geocache.                                                                    There are only 3 parks left in the greater metro area that still needed to be completed, so that was our game plan.  I was really hoping Marcus would fall asleep on the way to the first once because it was 70 miles away... but no such luck.                                        We got to Interstate State Park in Taylor Falls, MN right around noon.  This really is one of my favorite state parks from when I was a child.  My family used to go here fairly often and we love it.                                  

When it is just Marcus and me on these trips there are not quite as many pictures or stops because it is a lot harder to keep up with Marcus when it is just one parent.  When we got to the park I did not stop at the rangers station – instead I just headed to the first location.  I assumed, correctly, that I would find a park map by the parking lot.  
Conveniently the first location was right on the front of the first location.

Marcus and I quickly entered the coordinates to the second location and took off on our hike.  

The trail lead us right to the second and final spot.

This hole was the perfect size for the ammo box.

The log book.

Marcus really like this cache and he found something awesome inside of the ammo box.

It took us a lot longer to get back to the car because Marcus had to stop a LOT to play with the toy.  

We also got to see a river boat with its paddle running.  It was a beautiful day.  

I think this is my favorite card yet—the Turkey Vulture!

There is a lot more to see and do at Interstate State Park, but not for us today.  We are going to have to come back with Luke another time.

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