Monday, April 7, 2014

Sibley State Park

So fair, so cold; like a morning of pale spring still clinging to winter's chill.

Okay, so it was actually evening at this point, but the air really cools down as sunset gets near, just like it does so quickly late in the afternoon in the autumn.

Sibley State Park (looking much darker out in this photo than it really was at the time)
As you can tell from the sign it was starting to get a bit darker at Sibley State Park as we continued on our speed geocaching, but the good news was that it the logs said it was fast...

Luke: "... that's interesting..."
Vonnie: "Come on, we have to hurry up."
Marcus: "Bock, bock."
Luke: "I'll just take a picture of the sign and read it later then..."
Marcus: "... bock..."

Solar panels.  The first state park with them as far as we know.

Location #1

Marcus playing ring around the sign post!

Off to the next stop.

Location #2

This park was really interesting.  The first two we visited were both a traditional prairie; however, Sibley is an Oak Savannah and they are working at restoring it.  It was a very pretty park.

This one was not too sneaky!  (We are starting to know all the tricks after all!)

And a short walk later we were at the final cache.

Look at my card... "Bock Bock"

Signs, signs, everywhere signs

Marcus loved this park – mainly because there were so many birds in it.  This one was one of his favorites.

So ending on a funny note – we were in the car and heard a funny noise – turned around and found Marcus taking a bite of his bird card!  Fortunately he did not like it and the rest survived.

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