Monday, April 7, 2014

Glacial Lakes State Park

Ahh... scenic Glacial Lakes State Park...

"God's country", eh?

We drove across western Minnesota and made it to the next park.  I was not ready for this one and I was stunned by how beautiful it looked.  The entire park had a very South Dakota feel to it – I kept feeling like I would not be surprised if I saw a buffalo or two.

When we arrived we found the ranger station closed.  This was the actual theme for the day as EVERY ranger station was closed.  That make life a bit more difficult because this means we did not have access to rangers or to any bathrooms... which meant changing diapers in the car... which is always a lot of fun... but that is enough detail on that!

We quickly found the directions to the first geocache.  This one was a bit different because the first stop was not at the ranger station.

So we followed the directions to our first stop and found it quickly.
Location #1

Panoramic View – this was amazing and the scenery was endless.  Even in the early spring the rolling hills make the dry grass landscape beautiful.

Off on the horse path
They encourage many modes of transportation at this state park!

Location #2 (back of the sign; not unusual)

Cutest Boy EVER! He LOVES his stroller!
Amazing sky here.

Location #3

Luke finding the final cache just off the horse trail.

"Look!  I got my card!!!"

And we are off to the next location.

We really enjoyed this state park.  It was scenic and beautiful with rolling hills and lots of prairie (and beautiful cirrus clouds in the azure sky).  I would love to go back again and check more of it out.  This geocache was a hike, but it was a LOT of fun.

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