Monday, April 7, 2014

Monson Lake State Park

What is a churchyard?  The same thing as a cemetery behind a church I think.  Well, behind this local churchyard on a dusty country road (as in 100 feet farther) is...

After a jaunt (about 45 miles – but only 16 as the crow flies) we made it to Monson Lake State Park.  This is a small but cute state park in the middle of nowhere.  It had a super cute, old church right next to it.

At this point it was right about 5 PM and we knew we really needed to pick up the pace if we were going to hit our ambitious goal of 5 state parks in one day.  So we now started "speed geocaching"...
Since the first cache is normally a short walk to the next stage, I decided to wait in the car for Luke to find stage one...... but it wasn't that easy...  I am going to rephrase my statement from an earlier post.  This now became our most difficult of the day.  The posted coordinates where there, but it just didn't make any sense.   We looked and looked in the woods behind the rangers office to no avail.  I pulled up the trusty geocaching website and read the logs – we were not the only ones who were stumped by the this first point.

I am not going to give the secret, but this was a tricky ranger!

(a hatless Luke sighting)

So we got the next point and were ready to go. So Marcus and I got out of the car and started walking!

He has this new thing... every time he sees a bird he says, "bock bock" – it is really funny and we saw some birds here!

We found the next stage and were ready to finish this one off!
(Marcus on the move)

(Marcus's mom proudly showing the final geocache)

The funny thing about this geocache is that Marcus got a bit bored and decided to go back to the car with Luke while I went and found the final spot!

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