Friday, April 25, 2014

Muffins – The Science of Cooking

Now that I have this time to focus and have fun for the next few months, it means that I can play and bake during the week when Marcus is at daycare and not there to help me out.  Marcus is VERY helpful normally, but when he helps, there is no guarantee that all of the ingredients actually end up in the bowl.  He is a VERY enthusiastic stirrer and does not yet understand the concept of folding ingredients in.

So Tuesday morning I made some Blueberry muffins – all by myself.  In two weeks it is Caregivers Week and I am planning on bringing the teachers muffins, so I know a goal!

This week I made the The Science of Cooking cookbook recipe (by Cooks Illustrated).  These were the most involved yet – so they do not meet the goal of this muffin madness of easy-and-able-to-premake parts.  I actually had to use three bowls and one additional pot.  In this recipe it requires a homemade jam filling to provide better taste, and you can see how it looks in the middle of the finished muffin.

This cookbook is great and really helpful, since it breaks everything down for you and it actually explains why things in recipes work or fail.  They test every recipe a lot of times until they get it right.  Since a lot of my other recipes have come from Pinterest I don't think there is any guarantee that they have already been tested multiple times.  I have used this cookbook a few times, and so far I can't complain and I would recommend it.

 I followed the actual recipe (and did not substitute any wheat flour).  These turned out great, and they really were similar to ones that I get at a Caribou Coffee – they almost tasted professional.

Overall results:  These muffins and the recipe are good.  They are, however, a LOT more work and they cannot be considered as healthy as some of the other muffins I have made.  They actually did rise nicely, and they had a yummy crust on top.

I actually sent 3 home with my dad – and he must have liked them because they were all gone in 24 hours!

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