Friday, April 18, 2014

Sakatah Lake State Park

Marcus and I had our first solo adventure today.  Since I am officially off of work for the moment, we are planning on knocking a few state parks off on Fridays and today was the first.

I also want to spend the time hanging out with a few friends I have not seen in a while, so today we planned a trip where both could happen.  We decided to visit Sakatah Lake State Park and see the Willkomm family in Northfield (only about 30 miles apart).

Marcus and I left after nap time and got to the park right around 4 pm.  Sakatah is actually in Le Sueur County and only a few miles from the Girl Scout camp that I spent a lot of time at – so the park just feels like and looks like home to me.  It was a pretty quiet afternoon, and I stopped in to visit the ranger, pick up a map, and to make sure that there were no issues with the geocache (important after last week at Wild River State Park).

We drove around the park for a few minutes in order to find the starting point and then we got out to hike.

It wasn't far and we found the first location.  This was actually a bit different because it was NOT on a sign and most of them have been so far.

On to the second location.....

The ranger at this state park must have a really good sense of humor.  The second location is on the window of the park building...  You can actually see that someone's desk is right behind the window.  I would have cracked up if they had been there working while I was outside their window.

With the final coordinates, we walked until we hit the coordinates and then I started looking... and looking... and looking... but I was getting a bit frustrated because I could not find it.  I found a few spots that looked like they could be it, but there was nothing.  There was a bridge and I ducked under it – again nothing.  Finally, about 30 feet from the spot and on the other side of the path I found the final cache.

Marcus was super happy to get his "Bock Bock" card.

This photo is added as a special request to my dad who wanted more pics of me!

I know that last week I had suggested that we may be hitting Nerstrand for the biome geocache, but I did a lot of reading this week, and now I believe that the cards from all of the parks in the biome are needed so that you can actually solve a puzzle with the cards and find the biome geocache.  So we will not be doing that anytime soon!!

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