Saturday, April 12, 2014

Muffin Madness – Recipe # 2 – Take 3!

So back to recipe number 2 – this really is the last time I am going to make this one.  But since I like this muffin I want to try to see if it would taste better if I changed the recipe just a bit.  This week I wanted to see if I could improve the taste a bit and help the muffins rise a bit more......  so here is the change I made.  I used half wheat flour and half all purpose flour.

As usual Marcus was very helpful.
Marcus stirring the mix.

When Marcus is being so helpful, I have to watch to make sure he does not remove too much of the mix – of that he specifically does not remove the baking powder.

Muffin Mix

As you can see the muffin mix is a bit dry.  That is one of the problems with this recipe.  I have spoken to a few people, and they said they got similar results when working with wheat flour.  I believe this is because the wheat flour sucks in all of the liquid.  


The muffins did not rise AGAIN – but they did not taste as heavy either.  I went back to filling the muffin tin to the top, so it is hard to compare against last week.   

I think I have gotten used to this recipe, but it is time to move on!

One last note from my dad – looks like we found the muffin man!

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