Sunday, April 27, 2014

Fort Ridgely State Park

Fort Ridgely State Park

We followed the Minnesota River Scenic Byway (including going down some crazy small country roads that make up part of it) and eventually arrived at Fort Ridgely State Park.  I have to admit that I love this state park and have since I was a kid.  It is really pretty and has a lot of history attached – it was actually attacked three times during the Sioux Conflict of 1862, and it is in general a really neat place to visit.

We stopped in at the Rangers Station, and it was actually open.  Then we headed off to our first location.  I have to admit that I totally flubbed this one.  The other finds today had been soooo easy and this ranger was a bit craftier in hiding the information.

Can you see the spot on this board where it looks like a piece of paper was removed?...  I thought it was there and that someone had removed it to update it or something (and I might have jokingly texted my dad and accused him of it in fun).  We actually went back to the Ranger Station and were told to look again!  It was there all along.  One just has to look all over every surface to find it!

While I was looking for this Marcus was running off to play on the playground equipment he found...
And Luke was running off to check out the really cool cemetery and outdoor stage (I saw the coolest version of Dracula at night there when I was a teen (super scary))...

While they were exploring I found my way to the 2nd location.  Once again – Tricky Ranger!  Somewhat camouflaged against the bark of the tree on a small tag.

From here it was not far to the final location, so Marcus and I ran ahead and found the scenic overlook right next to one of the golf course greens (where people were golfing inside the State Park at its golf course when we got there).

We sat down and rested and then found the cache!

Marcus was pretty excited because he found a ladybug!

And of course the "Bock Bock" card.

It was a great view!

When we were going to leave the overlook we heard a car honking – turns out my Dad was stalking us after all!  Marcus was happy to see Grandpa, but it was quick because we had to head off to today's park #4!

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