Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Life of a Traveling Mom

For about the last 10 years I have had a job that required some work travel.  The actual frequency and time away has varied based on what is going in my job and that flucuacates a lot.  But this has been a reality Marcus's entire life- Mommy travels for work.  My first trip was when he was around 12 weeks old and we have figured out how to make it work since.

I always think it is kind of funny when I talk to Mom's who have never (or extremely rarely) spent a night away from their child.  In honesty, I have spent more nights away than Luke has (he never travels for work).  In our house it isn't something odd or unusual- it is just life.  I know that without a supportive spouse this would be impossible.  It is hard enough to leave home and miss your family.  I am lucky enough to know that when I gone, Marcus is getting loots of LOVE, TIME, and JOY with his Daddy.

My favorite thing is when I get text messages with pictures and stories.... It makes me feel like even though I am far away I am still part of the family.  Today, I am at a work conference (yes on a Sunday and it makes me a bit crabby) and Luke sent me a ton pictures that made me smile and at times giggle.  Looks like they had a lot of fun without me today!

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