Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Entertainment at the Airport

A fun and free activity

On Saturday we had a pretty low key day planned.  It really just consisted of dropping the dog off a the groomer and going to a birthday party for one of my friends kids.  It was also amazingly cold outside with a wind chill factor somewhere in the negative 30 range.  So with no real plans we came up with some really fun ideas and kept ourselves busy. This blog is about one of the things that we did.

Last fall, the MSP airport opened a public place to watch airplanes take off and land.  According to some articles I read this is something that the community had been asking for and the MSP airport commission actually spent $200,000 in creating it last summer.

Since we dropped Sandy off at the groomers in Richfield we decided to spend some time in the area and the idea popped into my head to check it out.  I looked up the map on the MSP website (below) and it was super easy to find,  Marcus loved everything about it.  The actual drive into the airport is neat because you drive through two tunnels (and airplanes are actually potentially on top, which was mind-blowing to Marcus) and see a ton of planes before you even get to the parking lot.

Once you are at the parking lot it is possible to see the backside of both terminal # 1 and terminal # 2, as well as having a clear line of sight on two runways.  We were surprised that even with the cold weather and the early morning (it was 9ish) there were actually a few other cars in parking lot as well.

We sat in the car for about 20 minutes and just watched planes take off and land and we will be going back to see it again, only I think we will wait until summer.  It looks like a great place to have a picnic.  This was fun and I suggest it to anyone who has kiddos who think planes are pretty cool.

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