Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Another Year- Another Goal

2016 Goals

After a lot of thought and about 27 days to late I am ready to unveil my 2016 goals/ resolutions.  Similar to last year- no ranking, just thoughts.  These are not all lofty goals but they are something to focus on in the new year.

Do an event a month (and invite Dad along)-  This is similar to the goal (which was not met) from last year however there is a slightly different twist.  Last year I wanted to do a 5k a month, this year the focus is on an event a month- it can be any distance event.  I have already completed the January event (ice skating) and am signed up for snow shoeing in Feb.  I am hoping that by adding this touch I am more likely to make the goal.  And yes, my Dad is invited to join on all of them but he already wussed out on January!  I am looking for suggestions on events that would be fun to do this year!
  • A sub-goal of this one is to blog each one we complete as well so we have a record of it. The good news here is that January is already up so just 11 to go. 

On that subject ,my blogging goal for this year is to make sure I blog at least one time per week- meaning that the end of the year I will had at least an additional 52 blogs.  This is a carry over of a successful goal from 2015 but I do better and blog more when I have a goal driving me along the way.  I am actually going to attempt to keep this up all year long and not have a 4 month drought again. 

Do something for others/ volunteer. This was also a successful item in 2015 however I need to continue it into the new year.  I also want to find out a way to involve  Marcus in volunteer activities.  He is old enough now that I would like him to learn how lucky we are and learn to help others.  Not sure what you can do with a 3 year old but I will check into it.  Also I sent in my application to apply to be an election judge- figure this would be one good way to fulfill my civic duty.

Get Healthier- This needs to be a key activity for 2016.  I don't feel like I have done a lot to improve my health and wellness in the past year. 
  • Yoga-  I love yoga and I feel a ton better when doing it so that needs to become part of my routine again-- even if that means just doing it at home before bedtime.
  • Other fitness-  I need to get back into a routine- not sure what it is yet but it is needed
  • Meal Planning-  I have been actively working at meal planning.  This is a goal for this year.
Spend more time in the wood shop:  I finished the year with a lot of unfinished and dreamed about projects (not to mention the projects that are built and not stained).  I want to finish the rest of the items our bedroom in 2016, build a toy box for Marcus, and build him a kitchen.  Also need to stain the projects built but not finished in 2015.

Do a better job at flossing  and get Marcus on board too  I needed to add on slightly off beat and easy to accomplish one for 2016 (similar to the vitamins in 2015).  This is it-  I need to do a better job of flossing and gargling in 2016-  not hard but does require diligence.

OK that is it.  The list is longer than I intended but I think they are all good goals.  Now I just need to stay on top of them and complete them in 2016.  I got this!

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