Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Report Card on 2015 Resolutions/Goals

I know it is the 18th of the month and I haven't actually put up my New Year's Resolution but that is because I have been stewing over it.  I am going to do this in two pieces.  First I am going to start by reflecting on how I did on last years thoughts... So here it goes and be ready for a bit of failure (I did edit out most of the commentary from last year).

Take a daily vitamin-
I am actually going to call this one a success.  I am not going to claim that I got 100% but it was close.  Even better I got Marcus started on this activity as well and he LOVES his gummy vitamins so I call that winning.

Run/Walk 12 5K's with my Dad.
Well this is the first failure--- I don't remember how many events we ended with but I can tell you it wasn't remotely close to the goal!  Opps--- you can guess a similar goal is going to be in the 2016 bunch.

A sub-goal of this one is to blog each one we complete as well so we have a record of it.
Clearly this one didn't get done since I can't tell you about what events we actually did in 2015- Opps again.

  On that subject my blogging goal for this year is to make sure I blog at least one time per week- meaning that the end of the year I will had at least an additional 52 blogs.
I finished the year with 56 blogs-  Woohoo!  This means I met the goal.  I have to admit that I totally feel off of the wagon part way through the year and it was only because I had a strong start that I made the goal.  I also figured out why.  Along the way I started setting way to high of expectations for myself on this and it actually impacted what an when I blogged.  Once I relaxed and was a bit easier on myself the blogging improved.

Do something for others/ volunteer. I realize that I have become a bit of a bump on a log when it comes to serving others. I value this and I need to show that I do by becoming involved in something.
This was also an area of success although I need to continue to try to do more.  I volunteered with the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy (MCEA) and was on the steering committee for their big fundraising event of the year.  Additionally, I participated in Moms in Training and raised money to fight leukemia and lymphoma.

Continue to work on turning off-
 I am going to give myself a yes and no on this one.  I think that I was more mindful of turning off in general but probably didn't do it to extent of my goal.

Sub-goal- This also means physically exerting myself more often. Whether it is yoga or running this does help me focus.
Yes so we are going to have to call this one a failure.  I ended the year in the same condition I started it but I did have some good attempts along the way!

So the overall tally for the year- I started with 5 goals and two sub-goals.
Goals- 3 Yeahs!, 1 partial, 1 No
Sub-Goals- 2 No's- clearly needed work here
Overall, I think I did ok.  I didn't just mail it in when I picked my goals.... instead I tried for things I wanted to stretch for and I am better for it.
Look for my resolution/goals in 2016 coming your way soon.

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