Saturday, January 16, 2016

Back in the workshop again....

It has been a long time since I have worked on a project in the woodshop and I have a long to-do list.  Most of it is tied to our bedroom.  A few years ago Luke and I made a Farmhouse Bed Frame for our bedroom and since that time I have dreamed about the other pieces in the room I wanted to make to match the bed.... now fast forward a year or two (what can I say but time flies when your having fun) and I finally got to working on the list.  The first thing (and most important) is to build some night stands.  The ones we used before don't match the current bed frame and they also don't really fit with the shape of our bedroom so I found some I liked.  They are the Mini Farmhouse Bedside tables from Ana White's website. See the picture- mine don't look quite like that.
Getting back into the woodshop after a long break always takes a bit- first I have to clean up the workbench and find the right wood. For Christmas Luke got me a new Kreg Jig which I was super excited to use.

Once everything was ready to go I started working... Check out my footware.... I don't know that anyone would suggest the piggy slippers but it works for me.


Love my piggys!

I made a few small alterations to the plan as written.  First I added a shelf so I have a place to keep my laptop.  I also accidently flipped the sides so they don't look the same as the plans but it looks good anyway.  One thing you can't see is that I actually drilled a huge hole in the back of the drawer so I can hide all of my charging items in the drawer (it is awesome). Here is what it looked like when it was completed but still in the shop.

I have  really hard time deciding what color to stain/paint the bedside stand (and I still have to make a matching one) but I decided to bring it upstairs to see how it looks.

 Ok time for a vote-  should I stain it the same color as the bed OR do something else like the same color as the bed for most of the stand and a black/coffee stain for the shelves?  Give me your opinion in the comment section.  Let's be honest I am not going to actually stain it until spring when I can do it outside (hate the smell) and my goal is to have a few of the other items for the room completed by then too!

 Here is a close up view.... as you can see it is instantly full of books.  I can't help myself!

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