Friday, January 29, 2016

A whole lot of love and a little bit of perscpective

Last week-end I was blessed enough to be able to spend an entire week-end hanging out with some of my college friends in San Francisco and I had an amazing time.  I realized that although I travel occasionally for work and that provides me with a bit of alone time, that I had had not had any real quality time with friends- meaning not just a night out or a lunch date- in a long time.  I think the last time was actually when Marcus was about 7 weeks old (and he came along). So this break was long overdue and I loved almost every moment of it.  When I flew home I reflected on how great both the trip and my friends were.

Cheers to Friendship

Sometimes my friends fulfill parts of me that I almost forgot about. (I can't exactly explain this statement but I feel how true it is).

They add perspective

They allow for my imperfections and offer forgiveness for my silliness.

They all bring their own set of issues and baggage and we are so comfortable that each of us spends a bit of time dumping all of those issues and baggage on the floor. 

Then like true friends we all help pick it up and put it all back together again.

They bring unconditional love- well that is what it feels like to me-  they loved me in stupider and darker moments of life than now so it is easy to let my hair down and be silly because I am secure in that love.

They share the joy in whatever moment we are experiencing, whether it is eating some amazing ice cream, trying a new drink, having a dance party, or just celebrating the moment and hanging.

They offer experience- from their own lives, and from those people with whom they surround themselves and they share that with me.  Not in a way that says I am a better than you or sounds condescending. Instead their experience feel like story book that offers multiple options and endings.

Did I mention the laughter my dear friends bring, at one point I couldn't stand or sit up because I was laughing so hard every muscle contracted.

Not to say that every moment is perfect, and that we can't be annoyed with each other but imperfection is usually followed by love and forgiveness (sometimes it just takes time).

I am blessed with amazing friends.  They bring me so much joy and I hope I do the same for them.  It amazes me when I think about it- I have a great husband and son (Luke and Marcus), an amazing family, and so many wonderful people that surround me but sometimes it takes the perspective of time with friends to realize how good life is. They help make me a better wife, mom, and overall person.  Thank you my dear sweet friends for being such a wonderful part of my journey. Now, let's not wait another three years for our next long visit!

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