Monday, February 29, 2016

Meal Planning Week 2

 I should actually start by saying that last week went extremely well and all of those meals will be done again.  Now trying for two weeks in a row.  On Sunday I looked through Pinterest to find some recipes that looked good for the week.   I am actually going pretty far outside of my comfort range to try and make new and different foods.  I am planning on having four different meals and one night of leftovers (same as last week).  I also take leftovers to work and Luke eats them as well. I picked out all of the recipes and than Marcus and I went shopping get all of the ingredients-  it took us two stops to get everything.  We got almost all of the ingredients at Trader Joes but due to their limited selected needed to finish off a few items at Byerly's.   Here are my pics for the week.    
We had our first night and I started out with the Pad Thai-  which I have to admit I was a bit intimated by but it turned out amazing and wasn't too difficult to make.

 Here is the final product....

Marcus really loved the meal too!

Week in Review

Follow up:  When the week was done I spent some time looking at we ate and deciding what to eat again.  Here are the thoughts on it:

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