Monday, February 8, 2016

The not, Hot Air Affair

Hudson Hot Air Affair :: Hudson, WIRight around this time last year we did one of Marcus's favorite things EVER (not exaggerating).  We went to the Hot Air Affair event in Hudson Wisconsin.  This is a hot air balloon event.  Today we tried to go again. The event was scheduled for all week-end with morning flights on Saturday and Sunday and lots of other events.  We got up early, met my dad, and drove across the metro area to Hudson Wisconsin but when we got there this is what we saw... lots of cars looking, and an empty field where there should have been hot air balloons.

I am not kidding when I say that Marcus was pretty heartbroken (and tired from getting up so early).  He didn't understand when the pilot tried to explain to us that it was too windy and none of the balloons would be going up or inflating because the wind was too fast and it was safe.  He just wanted to see the hot air balloons. Poor little guy!\

We decided since we were up so early we were going to try and find something fun to do (turns out there isn't a lot going on at 7:30 am on a Sunday morning) and after a few missteps (one wrong turn, and showing up at a restaurant before it was opened we did come up with a good idea.

Mickey's Diner

For those of you who don't know.  This is a city of St. Paul landmark that  is a train car-  I learned by reading the back of the menu that it was actually ordered to be a diner and was never actually in use as a train. This is definitely a greasy spoon type of place but it is so good.   We got there right around 9 am, and there was a bit of rush but we were able to get 3 chairs right at the kitchen bar.  Marcus LOVED the place.  He ordered a waffle, but he pretty much ended up eating my toast with jelly- so Grandpa and I ate the waffle- it was pretty good.

On a Sunday morning this place is never slow.  The entire time we were there it was hopping and the surly cook was busy.  It is worth the trip to St Paul to check out Mickey's dinner. 

I am not going to pretend that Mickey's dinner was as good as seeing the hot air balloons but we still had a good time.
And we still have next year.....
We are also thinking of checking out one of the other hot air balloon festivals around this summer...

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