Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Meal Planning 2016

If you remember I had set up a goal of being better at meal planning in 2016 and I am not going to say I call it a success yet but I am a heck of a lot closer than I have been in the past.

I really want to be better at meal planning for several reason. 
  1. I think life is a lot less stressful when I am not trying to figure things out last moment.  Like worrying if I have the correct ingredients and trying to come up with a menu.
  2. I end up not having the correct ingredients frequently and this results in a LOT of additional trips the grocery store where I buy stuff we may not need.
  3. I think when I plan a meal in advance that is usually a bit more put together and even healthier.
I think that right now I am scoring about 50% for meal planning on a weekly basis and a few of these meals have been real flops.... not too good for my self esteem.

Anyway this week I am feeling on a roll.  Luke and I sat down on Sunday morning and I through out some ideas and he nixed a few of them but in the end we agreed on a menu for the week - Thank you Pinterest for the assist.

We did all of the grocery shopping (together as a family), 95% of it at Trader Joe's, on Sunday morning.  That worked out really well and if we did everything right we shouldn't need to go back for any groceries this week.

Image result for unlabeled cans
I can say that I already felt less stressed than normal on Sunday (before the week) even began.  I don't remember how my parents did meal planning when I was young but I don't remember them ever being as unorganized as I feel or maybe I just never paid close attention.  I do remember the mystery vegetables.  When I was young my parents worked part time for Green Giant.  Because of their status we got to buy vegetables at the green giant company store.  These were seconds of a sort and for some reason they never bothered to label any of them.  We would buy a flat (I think it was 12 cans) of a specific vegetable but once we got home and they were in the cupboard they always got mixed up and were a mystery to what you were going to eat.  That is a funny memory but it is probably what I remember most about my parents cooking- at least until I got old enough to help.

We have now made it 2 nights into the week and the meal plan has worked so far- and we have plenty of left overs.... 

       Monday-  Minestrone Soup  This turned out so well.  The
                   recipe was huge so we have lots of leftovers. 
                   I served it with naan and that was perfect.
                   Did I mention this was a crock pot meal!
       Tuesday- Sweet Potato and Black Bean Tacos  This recipe we 
                   made tonight and it was awesome. I am going to make
                   it again.  It was a bit spicier than I expected but that
                   made it even better.
       Wednesday-  Left over day,  We already have plenty so that
       Thursday-  Baked potato bar night
       Friday-  Mexican Night

So that is our schedule for this week.  What should I be adding.... I love suggestions... just as long as they are vegetarian or can be converted to vegetarian.....

All ready to add to the crock pot.


1 comment:

  1. This should reduce the amount of wasted food, but hopefully not reduce leftovers. I love leftovers.


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