Wednesday, February 17, 2016

My Sweet Little Sleeping Boy

Last night Marcus went to bed pretty quickly.  It only took him about 10 minutes to fall asleep.  Which in Marcus time is amazingly fast.  Some nights he plays and sings for hours.  I checked on him and went to bed myself pretty early.

This morning at 2:30 a,m, I heard him.  Even from our room I could tell that things were not good and that he needed his Mommy.  He had a bad dream. It amazes me how I can tell even before I go into his room what type of emergency it is and this was a pretty obvious one.  I made a quick decision that being the time and how tired I was it would be easiest to let him climb into bed with me.

He climbed into our bed and quickly claimed as much space as he could.  He stretched out and made himself as big as possible while also doing his best to smash himself into my side.  It is never enough for Marcus to just be next to me to or to hold my hand.  Instead he wants to be close and to be held. 

Next he grabbed Luke's blanket and tucked it under his chin and quickly passed out...... and then he snored..... At this point I was almost rethinking inviting him to come and cuddle.

When moments like this come along I try to remember (and this morning I actually succeeded) that I am not going to be this blessed forever.  When he gets a bit older I will have to bed for him to hug me, much less to lay next to me an cuddle.  I remember that he wants to be that close to me because it makes him feel loved and secure (and that is as good as it gets).  I am not always going to be able to make him feel so complete, at least in such an easy manner. 

When I set aside how tired I am, and how annoyed I feel at the little bed hog I can actually experience the moment and know that this is pretty much as good as life gets.  I wish I could say that I am always that Zen, but I am not, instead I am a Mom just working to survive day to day and hoping my child thrives and always knows he is loved.

 **** Do you like all of the fun Marcus sleeping pictures- yes I am obsessed****

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