Thursday, May 8, 2014

A geocache-free weekend – University of Minnesota Graduation

For the first time in a long time we did not do any goecaching.  Instead, we did something much more important.  We celebrated Luke's Graduation from his PhD program – this included lots of family events, but really the biggest item was Friday, when he walked in the PhD ceremony at the University of Minnesota. Marcus and I were really proud!  The actual ceremony occurred at Mariucci Arena on the University of Minnesota campus.

It was an AWESOME day – here are the highlights!

We got there early, so we had great seats but a lot of waiting time.  Marcus was great.  He kept running back and forth between everyone who was there – Grandpa and Grandma Fiedler, Grandpa and Grandma Zachman, and Aunt Jess.  There were enough people to keep him occupied until it all started.

Marcus and Grandpa Fiedler waiting for it all to start!
This is the only picture of (almost) everyone (Jackie is taking it).
Good thing I have so many snacks!!!!

One of my favorite things was the program.  It was great seeing this in writing!

The graduates were all seated.

The master of ceremonies doing his thing.
 Overall the ceremony was pretty brief – President Kahler spoke and kept his comments pretty brief.  Then the waiting begins until the walk across the stage.  First they presented all of the people who were getting Masters degrees – and then finally the PhD candidates.

And just like that is was over.  Here are some fun family pics to remember the day!

My three favorite guys leaving the ceremony.

Funny moment of the day – Goldy scared Marcus!!!!

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