Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Charles A. Lindbergh State Park

Charles A. Lindbergh State Park

This was a trip of firsts.  We were staying at Luke's parents in Pierz, MN, so on Sunday during nap time Luke and I snuck away and did a few geocaches sans Marcus and Sandy.  They both stayed in Pierz for some Grandma time.

The first stop of the day was not very far away and is a park we have been to many times – Lindbergh State Park in Little Falls, MN.

This was a park that we visited during the last MN DNR Geocache Challenge back in 2010 and then a few years later again – and the last time the ranger was quite tricky, so we did not know what to expect.
Vonnie and Luke being silly at Lindbergh.

I just liked the bear!
 This is a pretty easy first stage.  We found Location #1 at the Ranger Station.  It was also open and we learned from the ranger that the final cache may or may not being missing.  

He was actually on the way out to replace the traditional ammo box with a new "Tupperware-style" geocache.

On a funny note, we later learned that it was moved – to under the bridge and was found by some kids. We spoke to some other geocachers (who were really friendly) and they figured out that it looked like a previous geocacher moved it and than talked about it in their find log—really crazy! 

We walked around the park for a bit and got to the next location and we really struggled to find it.  We were looking for the next clue – maybe a small bit of paper or the next coordinates.  Finally we ran across the above fellow geocachers and learned that this was only TWO locations and we should be looking for the final cache.  Once we knew that Luke found it quickly.  These coordinates were that not great.

"Say 'cheese'!"

Getting the "bock bock" cards without Marcus is not quite as fun.  He gets so excited about them!

On the way to the next park we stopped and looked at the mighty Mississippi River.  It was rolling fast and furious at the hydroelectric dam in Little Falls (seriously high waters!).

Ready to hit the road.

The raging river.


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