Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A weekend at Hathaway

A weekend at Hathaway

We are lucky enough to have friends who have access to a cabin in Solon Springs, WI.  After visiting the three Minnesota state parks, we got there at about 8 pm.  Marcus was exhausted from the long day of travel!

But the next day he woke up rearing and ready to roll.  We brought along his big ole rain boots – which he LOVES and wants to wear all of the time.  They are way to too big, but he does not care as he trips about!

After a morning of hanging out in the yard—he even got to see a turtle—it was time for his nap time.  Marcus decided that he wanted to be a big boy and sleep in the bunk bed.  He loved it, but I was nervous and did not leave him alone!

After nap time it was time to boat!  Charlene passed out quickly on her first boat ride (works even better than a car ride for falling asleep!).  Gotta love the kiss legwarmers!  Marcus was not on the boat because he was hanging out with Grandpa and Grandma Zachman at a graduation party in nearby Poplar, WI.

The boat ride somehow always ends at the local bar – the Lake View Lodge with its docks on the lake.

"You have a baby... in a bar..."

Look – my baby showed up too!  He thought the fish poster was really cool!

Deep conversations being held.

On the way back Marcus got his first motorboat ride – he wasn't so sure about it.

Dad wore his PFD to show Marcus he should, too.

After a trip to the bar, Marcus was ready to take a long walk back at the cabin. 

On Sunday morning we got up and spent some time on the dock at the lake.  It was a really pretty day.

The best part was the loon.  It was about 100 feet away when we first saw it.  It came closer and closer... Marcus LOVED it!

Overall it was a great weekend at Hathaway – a great time with friends and family and the outdoors!

Getting ready to go...


Boy and his dog.  Or dog and his boy.

The chalet next to the cabin.  Where we stayed with Sandy. 

Old style.

Porch overlooking the lake.

The chalet is a cool old building.

Lots of deer in those woods (and bear, too, as we're told).

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