Thursday, May 8, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Week

Creative Kids Academy MN

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Our daycare sent a request that we do something for the teachers each day.  Marcus was happy to help mommy out.  This was the request:
         Monday– Send a heartfelt note.
         Tuesday– Send something sweet.
         Wednesday– Potluck for the teachers.
         Thursday– Bring something homemade from your child.
         Friday– Since Marcus doesn't do daycare on Friday I can miss this one.

We came up with our game plan and got ready for this week. I think so far it has been really successful and the teachers are happy and touched.  I can admit that I totally try to do awesome things when appropriate for the teachers; this is for two reasons.
           1.  I really do appreciate what the teachers do and how much Marcus learns.
           2.  I really want the teachers to LIKE Marcus a lot – and I know that is shouldn't matter but it might.

On Monday – it was easy because we just had to write a thank you note.  I knocked that out on Sunday evening.  I really like sending notes to people so this is something I do fairly often.  My mom had a cousin – Marlene – who sent note cards randomly to many people in her life.... It is something that I remember as being really neat.  When I got one (in high school or college) it just made me feel loved.  When I send notes I am never sure if people get that feeling or if maybe they wonder why and think I am weird.....

Tuesday was sweet day – so what is better than fresh warm blueberry muffins from the oven – this is area that I have lot of experience.   I have made enough muffins know to know what I consider to be the best gift muffin (by this I mean sweeter and more bakery like).  I went with Jess's recipe for "To Die for Muffins" – see the previous blog for the recipe: And the muffin madness continues.... 3.29..2014.

I got up early and was ready to roll – I started the oven and got ready to go.  I could hear Marcus babbling away in his room happily on the monitor.  I left the kitchen for a few moments and came back to a SMELL that was horrible.  I opened the oven (some smoke poured out) and looked inside. It was quickly obvious what the problem was – a melting Tupperware cover.

I am happy to say other than the melted lid and a bad smell there was not any other damage. I do not however have a clue how this ended up in the oven!

So I cleaned it up and moved on.  I also got my helper up to make the muffins.  We got everything ready and I happy to say I followed the directions perfectly this time and did not substitute wheat flour so they turned out great and very nicely raised!

The downfall with having Marcus help is he has blueberry jealously – he does not want share any blueberries so I ended up giving him his own set.  He saw the blueberries on the counter and got upset!

Overall I was pleased with the results and the teachers ate them all up!

On Wednesday we made the fiesta salad and got our craft ready for Thursday.  Anyone who knows me we'll knows that I can follow directions to complete a craft but I am in no way creative.  So we opted to make a small gift.  We made the teachers sugar scrubs and they were great.

Sugar Scrub

~* Ingredients*~
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup coconut oil
Container to store in ( I used Half Pint Ball Jars from Michael's)
Essential oil (I used orange and grapefruit oils and they smelled yummy).

All of the ingredients I used were also organic so the teachers should feel good about using them.

For mixing these up I just added the ingredients and used a fork and mixed until they were a nice consistency. I found some cute monkey material and added that to the tops.  When I handed it to one of Marcus's teachers this morning – she laughed and said, "A monkey, just like Marcus."  This is because he is such a climber at daycare.

Marcus helped too – he wrote out all of his own thank you notes.  We are not sure what they say but I think they express that he likes daycare and thinks it is fun!

The final product.  This was a great and easy project and I would do it again!

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