Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Oregon Coast

The blogs are a bit out of order but I wanted to add this one anyway.  On the first day we got to Oregon we actually drove down the Oregon coast.   Really pretty but super slow.  It was a lot of fun and we go to see the beach.  Marcus was psyched!

Which for a Minnesota boy is always a great thing.  He ran in the sand and played and was so excited!
The Blankie liked the beach too!
We kept driving down the coast and it was gorgeous.  I really liked some of the bridges.
We stopped at some of the cute place on the side of the road and eventually found a place to hike at Cape Perpetua. This was the Thursday before Memorial day weekend so the traffic was still pretty light but you could tell people where heading out of town.  We saw plenty of hikers at Cape Perpetua.  It was a really pretty place

 After the hike down the hill (and back up again) Marcus was tired, and quickly passed out!

1 comment:

  1. There is certainly a lot of scenery in the pictures. It kind of makes one wish he lived there. Yet, we in Minnesota have our own special allure. It is true, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

    Love Dad


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