Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Oregon Caves

We went somewhere really cool and completely failed to take awesome pictures of it.  So I guess that I recommend that you all check it out yourselves!    We visited the Oregon Caves National Monument.  We have been to LOTS of caves before but this one was different and super interesting.
It all starts with a drive to the caves.  From the city Cave Junction Oregon, it is a 15 mile drive that takes approx. 45 minutes.  This time isn't because of the traffic.  The road is curvy and full of switchback- and it isn't all that wide either.  Driving it is an adventure in itself.  Luke did all of the driving and I didn't complain because I'm not sure I wanted to!

Eventually we made it to the cave.

This is where I stopped taking pictures- not exactly sure why but it was cool.  We went on the cave tour, which Marcus barely qualified for.  Kids are required to be 42" and be able to walk a mile.  He is 43" and the mile, well most days he can do it.
The tour brings you through most of the cave and offers lots of amazing view of stalagmite and stalactite and all of the normal cave features.  It had a ton of stairs running up and down through it.  It was a workout just making the way through the cave.  He is one picture of the caves.

When the tour was done we ended the day  at the caves with lunch at this super cute 50's diner located at the lodge in the park.  It was great-  Luke and I had root beer floats and Marcus, well he ate that entire strawberry shake!

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