I was always a bit of a Daddy's girl growing up, not because I didn't have a great mom or anything like that but just because my dad and I had that special Daddy and daughter connection (yes I know this is pretty common). I was and still am lucky to have one of the best dad's around and today I want to celebrate him and acknowledge that I truly am one of the lucky ones.
My dad has never been one to lecture about almost everything. He is one of those guys that just lives a good life, showing by example and demonstrating what we should do. I have learned some valuable lessons from him over the years.- Be honest and good
- Volunteer- don't wait for some one to ask for help to step up
- Appreciate others- you can show this by thanking them for the time they spend with you (both of my parents frequently call/text to say thank you for the time we spend together)
- The written word is amazing and a letter can mean the world. When I was younger and at camps my dad would send me letters and I felt so special. I think this is part of the reason why I am teaching Marcus to send letters.
- He has taught me about parenting- he always had a self imposed rule that the kids could come along, even if he would have preferred to go it along, whether it was running and errand or even walking or running. Dad never gave up an opportunity to spend time with his kids (he still doesn't, even when the time spent is on yard work).
- We are lucky and things can always be worse. My dad is definitely a glass is half full type of guy and at no time in my life, no matter what mistake I have made, has he ever made it feel like there was no future or no redemption.
- Be active, you only get this body once so keep it moving. My dad doesn't talk about it much but as a result of Vietnam he knows what it is like to lose mobility and to have to gain it back.
- Just be there- My dad is the worlds greatest fan, attending a million events. He gets how important it is to show up.
- Keep trying, keep trying, keep trying and don't let failure make you distraught, but just keep trying.
- Always know that you are loved. I have frequently said that my parents (both of them) greatest skill is loving, each other, us kids, and everyone. I have never had a time pass where I doubted my parents love! I just hope that Marcus feels the same way.
Thank you Dad for being such an awesome and inspiring part of my life! I love you!
Hard to believe that was me with all that dark hair. Thanks Yvonne, Love Dad