Monday, February 29, 2016

Meal Planning Week 2

 I should actually start by saying that last week went extremely well and all of those meals will be done again.  Now trying for two weeks in a row.  On Sunday I looked through Pinterest to find some recipes that looked good for the week.   I am actually going pretty far outside of my comfort range to try and make new and different foods.  I am planning on having four different meals and one night of leftovers (same as last week).  I also take leftovers to work and Luke eats them as well. I picked out all of the recipes and than Marcus and I went shopping get all of the ingredients-  it took us two stops to get everything.  We got almost all of the ingredients at Trader Joes but due to their limited selected needed to finish off a few items at Byerly's.   Here are my pics for the week.    
We had our first night and I started out with the Pad Thai-  which I have to admit I was a bit intimated by but it turned out amazing and wasn't too difficult to make.

 Here is the final product....

Marcus really loved the meal too!

Week in Review

Follow up:  When the week was done I spent some time looking at we ate and deciding what to eat again.  Here are the thoughts on it:

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Marcus' Art Projects

Marcus's daycare does art projects all of the time.  Every couple of weeks we bring a stack home and to be honest I have not really done a very good job of figuring out what to do with them.  So they have piled up around the house. I have spent a bit of time looking at Pinterest trying to figure out what do with his growing piles of art.  I actually haven't decided yet but I did work with Marcus and we took pictures of a ton of the pieces.  I think I will probably do a  photo book in the end so this is good starting step.
Here are some of my favorite pieces.

Marcus got really into helping me lay out the outwork, the letter F with feathers needed to held down and he was helpful although he really didn't get the concept of making sure he didn't completely cover up the artwork with his hands.

Some pieces he likes more than others-  he was a huge fan of this tree.  He told me how the teachers drew the tree itself and then he painted the leaves on himself.

 We talked and talked and he told me what pieces he liked the most.

Marcus even helped me try on his Dr. Sueuss hat....

I think we took pictures of about 50 pieces of his "art projects", as Marcus calls them.

I think there are still a few more small stacks hanging around the house that still need to be done but we made a nice start.

Even better the ones we did are all now together in one container- and Marcus is so proud of it.
I should also say that I am really proud of Marcus.  I love to see the things he makes at daycare.  He loves his projects and I can't wait to see what he makes in the future.  

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Meal Planning 2016

If you remember I had set up a goal of being better at meal planning in 2016 and I am not going to say I call it a success yet but I am a heck of a lot closer than I have been in the past.

I really want to be better at meal planning for several reason. 
  1. I think life is a lot less stressful when I am not trying to figure things out last moment.  Like worrying if I have the correct ingredients and trying to come up with a menu.
  2. I end up not having the correct ingredients frequently and this results in a LOT of additional trips the grocery store where I buy stuff we may not need.
  3. I think when I plan a meal in advance that is usually a bit more put together and even healthier.
I think that right now I am scoring about 50% for meal planning on a weekly basis and a few of these meals have been real flops.... not too good for my self esteem.

Anyway this week I am feeling on a roll.  Luke and I sat down on Sunday morning and I through out some ideas and he nixed a few of them but in the end we agreed on a menu for the week - Thank you Pinterest for the assist.

We did all of the grocery shopping (together as a family), 95% of it at Trader Joe's, on Sunday morning.  That worked out really well and if we did everything right we shouldn't need to go back for any groceries this week.

Image result for unlabeled cans
I can say that I already felt less stressed than normal on Sunday (before the week) even began.  I don't remember how my parents did meal planning when I was young but I don't remember them ever being as unorganized as I feel or maybe I just never paid close attention.  I do remember the mystery vegetables.  When I was young my parents worked part time for Green Giant.  Because of their status we got to buy vegetables at the green giant company store.  These were seconds of a sort and for some reason they never bothered to label any of them.  We would buy a flat (I think it was 12 cans) of a specific vegetable but once we got home and they were in the cupboard they always got mixed up and were a mystery to what you were going to eat.  That is a funny memory but it is probably what I remember most about my parents cooking- at least until I got old enough to help.

We have now made it 2 nights into the week and the meal plan has worked so far- and we have plenty of left overs.... 

       Monday-  Minestrone Soup  This turned out so well.  The
                   recipe was huge so we have lots of leftovers. 
                   I served it with naan and that was perfect.
                   Did I mention this was a crock pot meal!
       Tuesday- Sweet Potato and Black Bean Tacos  This recipe we 
                   made tonight and it was awesome. I am going to make
                   it again.  It was a bit spicier than I expected but that
                   made it even better.
       Wednesday-  Left over day,  We already have plenty so that
       Thursday-  Baked potato bar night
       Friday-  Mexican Night

So that is our schedule for this week.  What should I be adding.... I love suggestions... just as long as they are vegetarian or can be converted to vegetarian.....

All ready to add to the crock pot.


Friday, February 19, 2016

Lucky # 200

Blogs Completed
This is going to be my 200th blog post that I have published.  I am actually kind of proud of myself for carrying through as long as I have.  I started this as a way to record the Minnesota State Park's Avian Adventure.  Since it's initial inception I have really tired to figure out what this blog is and what it is not.  Here are a few things that I think it is:
        • The closest thing Marcus is ever going to get to a scrapbook (not my thing at all)
        • A chance for me to explore places, projects, and things and record them along the way.  This way I can actually remember what was good, what was bad, and what I actually did.
        • An opportunity for me to write and tell some stories about life.

 Along the way I added topics that interest me and hopefully some of my blog followers (all 5 of you).  But they really focus around a few key areas:
  • Geocaching (this includes state parks)
  • Recording things we do and places we see (2016 Fitness Event, The Rest of Life, and Twin Cities Tourist)
  • Marcus, Marcus and more Marcus-  As I said above this is the closest he is going to get to a scrapbook.
  • Journaling projects around the house- for these I try to write directions and keep a record of what I actually did (Getting Crafty, Kitchen Fun, and Let's Build Something)
I have added some of these topics over time. I even figured out how to create a table of contents so things are easier to find (especially my favorite yummy muffin recipe.

I have learned a lot to in the process. I am not the worlds strongest writer and unfortunately both spelling and grammar errors burn me on occasion but the good news is that I think I am getting a bit better,  I have stopped setting unrealistic goals for number of blogs, length or anything like that.  I had a drought of writing last summer and it was all because I set way to high of expectations for myself.

My blogs are not incredibly deep or very emotional. That is partially because I want this to be welcoming, whether or not you agree with my opinion. I try not to post things that people might take offense to but I would actually some day like to write some deeper pieces but I just don't think I am there yet.  Give me time, maybe in another year or two.

What I really want from this blog is to share some of the joy and love from my life with others.  To share a piece of my experiences and thoughts.  I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to my next 200 blogs.

Finally, if you enjoy my blog please leave a note and let me know what I should write more about.  Love Vonnie!

Thursday, February 18, 2016


On last Wednesday night Marcus and I went to Ash Wednesday Mass.  This is my favorite mass of the year. It is a pretty happy one and really makes me feel reflective.  The sermon was good and Marcus was really good, especially considering it was almost bedtime when we left, right after communion (not going to focus on it but I will tell you that a meltdown did happen then).     Anyway, as a Catholic there is a tradition that we are supposed to give up something for lent so that we experience a bit of discomfort and remember sacrifice.  So Catholic's give up chocolate or alcohol or swearing, following that general idea.  This year I decided to go on a different path, not because the traditional isn't good but because there are few things in my life that represent actual real sacrifice- the lack of chocolate or alcohol would be an inconvience and  momentarily remind me that I am with holding something from myself but this year that isn't quite enough.  My Lenten promise is instead to focus better and calm my brain more.  Instead of taking something away, I am adding something to the equation.  So it comes down to this. I am going to do a bedtime yoga and focus.
I know this may seem odd to some people- and hopefully you were able to follow my chain of thought on this one.

I actually started this post a week ago and I am happy to say that I am doing good at this and I think it is helping me focus (and stretch).  I think this is a good Lenten goal.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

My Sweet Little Sleeping Boy

Last night Marcus went to bed pretty quickly.  It only took him about 10 minutes to fall asleep.  Which in Marcus time is amazingly fast.  Some nights he plays and sings for hours.  I checked on him and went to bed myself pretty early.

This morning at 2:30 a,m, I heard him.  Even from our room I could tell that things were not good and that he needed his Mommy.  He had a bad dream. It amazes me how I can tell even before I go into his room what type of emergency it is and this was a pretty obvious one.  I made a quick decision that being the time and how tired I was it would be easiest to let him climb into bed with me.

He climbed into our bed and quickly claimed as much space as he could.  He stretched out and made himself as big as possible while also doing his best to smash himself into my side.  It is never enough for Marcus to just be next to me to or to hold my hand.  Instead he wants to be close and to be held. 

Next he grabbed Luke's blanket and tucked it under his chin and quickly passed out...... and then he snored..... At this point I was almost rethinking inviting him to come and cuddle.

When moments like this come along I try to remember (and this morning I actually succeeded) that I am not going to be this blessed forever.  When he gets a bit older I will have to bed for him to hug me, much less to lay next to me an cuddle.  I remember that he wants to be that close to me because it makes him feel loved and secure (and that is as good as it gets).  I am not always going to be able to make him feel so complete, at least in such an easy manner. 

When I set aside how tired I am, and how annoyed I feel at the little bed hog I can actually experience the moment and know that this is pretty much as good as life gets.  I wish I could say that I am always that Zen, but I am not, instead I am a Mom just working to survive day to day and hoping my child thrives and always knows he is loved.

 **** Do you like all of the fun Marcus sleeping pictures- yes I am obsessed****

Saturday, February 13, 2016

A little bit of wamth on a cold winter day.

Every year the Minnesota Zoo has it's annual beach party ( I think that is what they call it).  They set up a huge sandbox by the tropics trail for kids to play in.  Today was the first day it opened and we were there to check it out!
It was so nice and warm in the topics trail especially considering it was on degrees outside.  We planned ahead and brought some sand toys along (this is a BYOT type of event). 

Marcus played and played and played.

Don't worry- both Luke and I got right in the sand with him.  It was a lot of fun.
 It was a lovely way to spend a cold Saturday morning.


Marcus played for about 45 minutes and then we decided to do walk the tropics trail.  

 I think this was the busiest day that I have been there in ages.  Everyone else wanted to be warm too.  Marcus loves a lot of things at the zoo but he really likes the komodo dragon.
When we got to the aquarium, the scuba diver was feeding the fish.  Marcus thought it was really fun.

 He even waved at him and the scuba diver waved back!
It was a really nice trip to the zoo and I think we will head back again before they take down the sandbox in early March.

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