Saturday, December 12, 2015

Marcus and Christmas - 2012 Ornaments

It has been kind of hard to get into the Christmas mood this year because it is so BROWN outside.  I like snow and really hope we get some before Christmas.  Marcus however does not have the same problem.  He is so excited about Christmas this year-  He loves all of the house lights and the trees (ours isn't up yet).  One thing we have been doing it going through his overfilled box of Christmas ornaments.  He already has a ton.  I thought it would be fun to list them all and tell their story by year.  It will be fun to go back later and remember where they all came from.  These are they types of stories that we lose over the years.  I am going to break this into a blog per year so it doesn't get too long!

2012- Marcus's First Christmas

That first Christmas was much more exciting for us than for Marcus but he started his ornament collection early.

 Baby's first Christmas Rocking Horse   

 From: Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Warner
Story:  This was a first Christmas gift from his great grandparents.

 Daycare Christmas Ball

 Story: Marcus made this ornament with his daycare teachers at Creative Kids Academy (pretty impressive for a 9 month old).  What you can't see in the picture is that there is a really cute picture of Marcus dressed up like an elf inside.

 First Christmas Sleeping Ornament

Story:  We got this for Marcus at the Little Falls Craft in 2012-  it was his very first craft fair.

Chicago Ornament

Story:  In October of 2012 we went on our first family vacation (and we brought Tori, Xandra, and Micci along) to Chicago.  We went to the top of the Willis Tower (formally the Sears tower).  It was a really fun trip.  I think that Marcus's favorite part was the Shed Aquarium. 

Baby's 1st Christmas

From:  Rachel and Gregg Anderson Family
Story:  We got this as a shower gift and Marcus loves to look at the little outfit.

Baptism Cross Ornament

 Story:  This ornament is to recognize Marcus's baptism in Nov. 2012.  I can't actually remember if this was a gift from Grandma and Grandpa Zachman or if I bought it (I think it was a gift). 

Snowman Ornament

From: Grandma and Grandpa Fiedler
Story:  Just a cute Christmas gift from Grandma Jackie and Grandpa Don. 

 Marcus Baby Ornament

 Story: I ordered this from Shutterfly- actually got two copies- one for Marcus and one for us.  This is a picture of Marcus from when he was about 1 month old.  He looks so serious here!

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