Saturday, December 12, 2015

2014 Ornaments

Marcus's 2014 Christmas Ornaments

Well I made it through the first few years of ornaments before Marcus decided to help me in this process.  I have to admit that he was not actually all that helpful.  He had very different ideas than I did for how to pose the ornaments for the pictures.  He actually took one of the ornaments and hid it from me for a moment.  Once I explained what was going on he gave it back and I took the pictures.  Marcus is a super inquisitive kid and always wants to know exactly what is going on.  It is a great trait to have but at times and I have to remember that when I get frustrated.

Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer

Story:  This is the 2014 Daycare art project.  I love how it used both his hands and feet.  We actually compared them to the his hands and feet now and they are so much bigger! 

Florida Sand Castle

Story:  In January 2013 we visited Grandma Jaci and Grandpa Don's Florida house for the first time.  During our trip we spent so much time at the beach and made a ton of sand castles and played in the water.  We brought this one home with us.

Tombstone AZ Ornament

Story:  In June 2014, Marcus, Mommy and Grandma Cheryl visited Mommy's best friend and her family in Arizona.  We had a fun trip and visited Tombstone and saw pretend gun fights, went on a long hike in the mountains, and spent a lot of time visiting.  It was a really nice trip.

Family Photo Ornament

This is a few of my favorite pictures from 2014.  It shows the end of the avian adventure that Mommy, Marcus, and Daddy completed.  The other side shows a cute picture of Marcus and Sandy dog.

Christmas Stocking

From: Grandma Jaci and Grandpa Don
Story:  They gave this to Marcus as part of his Christmas gift.

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