Monday, December 14, 2015

A Christmas Review of 2015

I am a little behind this year, on more than just blogging.  It is the 14th of December and I just ordered our Christmas cards..... The biggest challenge is actually digging through a years worth of photos to see what is going to make the short list for 2015..... Here are some of the highlights of the year (including those that made the actual card)..... Similar to post from yesterday there is no particular order.

The Fiedler Family 2015 Year in Review

We spent some time in the Florida sun

And in the busy streets of New York City.

We had plenty of time to have fun and play with the Manatees...

And in the trees....

We went far away.

And spent other days just loafing around the house.

And of course we spent some quality time at the lake

 And checking out the local sites.

And the ones that were not quite so local

Along the way we made some new friends

And saw some cool things

We found a new obsession with hot air balloons

 We spent a lot of time hiking and checking out nature
We visited family who live far away and learned some history at the same time

We drove a train at the Jackson Street Roundhouse
And canoed at the lake

We had an amazing 2015 full of friends, family, and love.  

It just makes me happy and excited for 2016.

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